Mudgee Region Zoom backgrounds

Do you wish you were 'Zoom'-ing from the beautiful Mudgee region?

Download a beautiful Mudgee region image to use as your virtual background.

Note: to save the image files, select (click on) your preferred size, wait for them to load in your screen then right-click and save as image (for desktop), or press and hold your finger on the image and an option to download will appear (for iPhone). 

Flavours of Mudgee Glen Willow
 flavours.4.9.jpg  glen-willow.4.3.jpg
16.9.png 4.3.png 16.9.png 4.3.png
Gulgong Scene 1* Gulgong Scene 2*
Gulgong-4.3.jpg  GUlgong2-4.3.jpg
16.9.png 4.3.png 16.9.png 4.3.png
Vineyard Kandos Scene
 Vineyard-4.3.jpg kandos-4.3.jpg
16.9.png 4.3.png 16.9.png 4.3.png
Lawson Park, Mudgee Cudgegong River
16.9.png 4.3.png 16.9.png 4.3.png
 Mudgee Town Hall  Mudgee Clock Tower
mudgee-town-hall-4.3.jpg  mudgee-clock-tower4.3.jpg
16.9.png 4.3.png   16.9.png 4.3.png
 Rylstone Bridge Scene
16.9.png 4.3.png        

























































*You may need to unclick 'mirror images' in your settings to view these images correctly, however they will appear the right way around in a Zoom meeting regardless.

Handy Hints

  • To make your image fit properly and look good, you need an image that matches the aspect ratio of your webcam. Most built-in webcams in modern laptops have an aspect ratio of 16:9, but some have (or can be set to) an aspect ratio of 4:3.
  • To find out the aspect ratio of your webcam in Windows 10, open the Camera app, then the Settings menu. Here you can verify and change your camera settings.
  • If you are using a Mac, click on the Apple icon > About this Mac > Support > Specifications. A web page will open with your system specs where you can look for information about your webcam.
  • If you're unsure of how to use Zoom virtual backgrounds, you can learn how with this tutorial for Zoom desktop virtual backgrounds, and Zoom virtual backgrounds from your iPhone.