Footpath dining

Council supports and encourages the use of footpaths for outdoor dining in a manner that maintains the unimpeded and safe flow of pedestrians while enhancing the aesthetics and commercial viability of the central business districts. This is detailed in Council's Business Use of the Footpath Policy.

If you would like to use the footpath outside your business for outdoor dining, advertising or sale of goods, you must apply for approval via Council.

Please refer to the policy for guidelines and restrictions, and apply online below. 

Please note:
 Animals are not permitted in footpath restaurants (with the exception of guide dogs as defined in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.)

Apply Now


Step 1.Gather your documents

You will require a site plan of the proposed business use of the footpath area (drawn to scale), applicant identification, a photograph of proposed furniture, copy of your public liability insurance (certificate of currency) and proof of consent of the property owner (if applying for temporary use only).

Step 2.Apply and pay

Payment of fees are charged per square metre of footpath to be used (Temporary use does not incur a fee). 


In Person

Step 1.Gather your documents

You will require a site plan of the proposed business use of the footpath area (drawn to scale), applicant identification, a photograph of proposed furniture, copy of your public liability insurance (certificate of currency) and proof of consent of the property owner (if applying for temporary use only).

Step 2.Visit Us

Visit us at one of our Customer Service Centres and we'll help you complete and pay for your application. 

Mudgee 86 Market St
Gulgong 109 Herbert St
Rylstone 77 Louee St