Liquid trade waste

Liquid Trade Waste - Business Permits

Council manages its sewerage and liquid trade waste services by implementing best-practice in administering, regulating, monitoring and pricing sewerage and liquid trade waste. A person wishing to discharge liquid trade waste to the sewerage system must, under section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993, obtain prior approval from Council. Discharging liquid trade waste without an approval is an offence under Section 626 of the Act

The proper control of liquid trade waste helps to protect public health, worker safety, the environment, and Council’s sewerage system, as well as reducing waste and aiding in water conservation, water recycling and biosolids reuse.

Further details are outlined in Council's Liquid Trade Waste Policy

What is liquid trade waste?

Liquid trade waste is defined in the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 as ‘all liquid waste other than sewage of a domestic nature’. Liquid trade waste includes non-domestic liquid waste discharges to council’s sewerage system from:

  • industrial, business/commercial premises (such as beautician, florist, hairdresser, hotel, motel, restaurant, butcher, supermarket, etc.)
  • community/public premises (including clubs, schools, colleges, universities, hospitals and nursing homes)
  • any commercial activities carried out at a residential premise
  • saleyards, racecourses, stables and kennels that are not associated with domestic households
  • tankered human waste, ship-to-shore waste from marina pump-out facilities, portable toilet waste and established sites for the discharge of pan contents from mobile homes/caravans
  • any other waste tankered to the sewerage facilities, such as commercial or industrial waste from areas that are not sewered 

Sewerage systems are generally designed for waste from domestic sources that are of a predictable strength and quality. Liquid trade waste places much greater demands on Council’s sewerage system and can impact on the public, the environment and the sewerage system if not managed properly. For example, grease, oil and solids can build up causing blockages and sewer overflows; and strong wastes can cause corrosion of the sewerage system or produce offensive odours to the public.

Do fees and charges apply?

Fees and charges apply to all businesses that have been identified as producing liquid trade waste.

All commercial properties in the Mid-Western Region have been identified and classified as a Category 1, 2 or 3  property according to the type of waste being discharged. This has been classified by Council based on current records and information available. A person wishing to discharge liquid trade waste to the sewerage system must, under section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993, obtain prior approval from Council. Discharging liquid trade waste without an approval is an offence under Section 626 of the Act.
  • Category 1—dischargers requiring minimal or prescribed pre-treatment
  • Category 2 - dischargers with prescribed pre-treatment
  • Category 3 – large(20kL/day) and industrial dischargers