Threatened species
The Mid-Western Region is home to a range of threatened species such as the Koala, Acacia ausfeldii, Swainsona recta and Regent Honeyeater. There are 202 different threatened plants and animals recorded within our region, available to search through the NSW Government’s BioNet Atlas.
Report a sighting
Data is essential for Council and the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage to have a better understanding of the distribution and trends of threatened species in our region.
Have you seen a threatened animal or plant in the Mid-Western Region? Report your sightings, these can be from your own property, road reserves, or parks. Reporting sightings will help improve our understanding of our local biodiversity and help contribute to the management of these species.
WIRES volunteer call-out
Join the fight to save wombats from mange.
WIRES is calling on the people around NSW to become community wombat warriors and help stop the spread of the deadly disease mange.
The WIRES Community Mange Treatment Program allows more people to treat wombats suffering from mange, thanks to a new online course developed by wildlife experts.
Find out more
Sign up