Document on Exhibition - Community Participation Plan Amendment 1

No longer on display. Expired on 16 September 2022, 04:30 PM

Council, at its ordinary meeting held on 17 August 2022 resolved to place the following document on public exhibition to seek comment and input from the community.

Community Participation Plan(PDF, 642KB) 

This is the first formal review of Mid-Western Regional Council’s Community Participation Plan (CCP). It comes as amendments to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (EP&A Regs) on 17 April 2020 removed the requirement to publish notices and documents in the ‘the local newspaper’, instead requiring publication online. Thus, Council is seeking to amend the CPP to better reflect print media trends, reduce cost to developers, improve approval times and to align with the legislation.

Following feedback from members of the public and changes in legislation by the NSW Government, the following amendments to the CPP are proposed:

  • Remove newspaper advertisement requirement from the CPP completely.
  • Expand neighbour notification to include applications where there are works to a heritage item.
  • Other minor administrative updates.

Council welcomes written submissions on the above matters. Submissions must be addressed to the General Manager and received prior to 4.30pm on Friday 16 September 2022

Enquiries regarding the policy should be directed to Council’s Development Team. 

The above document is also available to view at Council’s Customer Service Centres.