Landholder grants

Published on 28 April 2022


One-off grants of between $5000 and $20,000 are available to landholders along the Cudgegong River and its upper tributaries to undertake rehabilitation activities on private property.

Landholders and community groups are eligible for projects including revegetation, waterway clean up, weed and pest control, exclusion fencing, and installation of erosion control structures.

Council’s Environmental Coordinator, Cassie Liney said landholders who are willing to provide in-kind assistance (site preparation, slashing and/or ripping, fence installation, planting and watering) and a commitment to ongoing maintenance will be highly regarded.

“The aim of this project is to engage with up to 20 private landholders along the Cudgegong River or upper tributaries of the Cudgegong River within the Mid-Western Regional Local Government Area to undertake rehabilitation activities on private property,” Ms Liney said.

“All applications will be assessed against the pre-determined assessment criteria  (see guidelines), landholders who are willing to provide in-kind assistance and a commitment to ongoing maintenance will be scored highly.”

Applications open on 2 May via Council’s website and close 5 June.

Properties must be located within the Mid-Western Regional Council Local Government Area.

This program has been funded by the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment Murray–Darling Healthy Rivers Program.