Rural Water Fill Stations Upgrade
Published on 13 July 2021
To improve emergency water access for rural residents, Council is finalising upgrades to Rural Water Filling Stations in Mudgee, Gulgong and Rylstone.
From 16 August, rural residents can only access the Water Fill Stations by registering with Council.
Registration is free and can be done online at or by completing a hard copy form that has been included in the July Rates Notice.
Once registered, residents with email will have access via the Smart City Control App ( and those without email will receive a swipe card (available for collection at Council’s Customer Service Centres).
Please allow up to 10 business days for registration to be complete.
Council’s General Manager, Brad Cam said the registration process ensures emergency water supply is only accessed by rural residents.
“These new filling stations will provide more ensured emergency potable water access for rural residents, faster flow rates and reduced fill times,” Mr Cam said.
“The new Water Fill Stations have an outlet of either 25mm (per existing) or a larger outlet of 50mm for higher flow rates and they’re accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, once registered.”
Upgrades to the fill stations are due to be completed soon, however applications can be made from now onwards.
More information on registration is available on Council’s website at or by contacting Council’s Customer Service Team on 6378 2850.