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This Plan contains detailed requirements to guide development in the Mid-Western Regional Council local government area. It complements and must be considered with the provisions of the Mid-Western Regional Council Local Environmental Plan 2012. The plan applies to all land in the Mid-Western Regional Council Area, was adopted by Council on 6 February 2013, and commenced operation on 11 February 2013. Amendment 6 to the Development Control Plan commenced operation on 19 July 2023 following the resolution of Council to approve the Amendment at its Ordinary Meeting, on the same date.
The aims of this Plan are to:
• Implement and support the objectives of the Local Environmental Plan (Mid-Western Regional LEP 2012);• Define development standards that deliver the outcomes desired by the community and Council;• Provide clear and concise development guidelines for various forms of development;• Encourage innovation in design and development by not over-specifying development controls;• Expedite development approvals by providing clear direction of Council’s intent and criteria; and• Provide certainty of development outcomes for developers and the community.