Privacy Management Plan
This plan outlines how Mid-Western Regional Council handles personal information in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1989 NSW (PPIP Act) and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 NSW (HRIP Act).
The plan details how the Council deals with the personal information and health information it collects to ensure that it complies with both the PPIP Act and the HRIP Act. In the plan, a reference to ‘information’ is a reference to both health information and personal information, unless otherwise stated.
Section 33(1) of the PPIP Act requires each public sector agency to prepare and implement a privacy management plan. This plan is produced in accordance with section 33(2) of the PPIP Act, it also incorporates the HRIP Act and deals with 4 key issues:
- The policies and practices that Council has in place to ensure compliance with the PPIP Act and, in particular, the 12 Information Protection Principles.
- How Council handles public registers.
- The rights and procedure for internal review.
- How these policies and practices are circulated throughout Council.