Sewerage Development Servicing Plan
This Development Servicing Plan (DSP) covers sewerage developer charges (DC) for the Mid Western Regional Council. This DSP has been prepared with consideration to Developer Charges Guidelines for Water Supply, Sewerage and Stormwater (2002). These are the final relevant guidelines, managed by the Department of Water and Energy, Utilities (DWE).
This DSP aims to:
- Allow Council to require an equitable monetary contribution for the provision of sewerage infrastructure to meet the loading generated by development.
- Facilitate the future provision of sewerage services to the Mid Western Regional Council area which meets the required levels of service with regard to pump station capacity, collector main capacity and treated effluent quality.
- Set out the schedule and programme of proposed works to meet increasing sewerage loads generated by development.
- Detail the contribution charges and Mid Western Regional Council’s payment policies.
To enable this, a future demand estimate of sewerage load for the Council has been undertaken. The demand estimate is the basis used for determining the infrastructure required to meet the need generated by future development.
Developer contributions are applicable for existing and proposed works which serve future development.