Receive your rates and water notices via email Your rates and water notices can now be emailed direct. Sign up here.
Pay your rates and water Payments for rates and water notices can be made online, in person, via mail, phone, or direct debit.
Direct debit Pay your rates easily with direct debit payments, or amend or cancel your existing direct debit account.
Change of details Change the name or address that appears on your rates notice, or update property managing agent details.
About your rates Rates and charges provide funding for a range of essential local community services.
Council fees and charges Council collects fees and charges for the use of facilities and for providing services across the region.
Pension rebates Eligible pensioners may apply for a rebate on their rates. Find out more and apply online.
Other payments Make payments for Debtor notices and NSW planning portal applications online, in person, via mail, phone, or direct debit.