Making a change to planning controls

When a landowner, developer or Council seeks to amend the planning controls in the LEP they need to prepare a Planning Proposal. A Planning Proposal is a report that explains the intended effect of, and justification for, a proposed amendment to the LEP.  

How to lodge a Planning Proposal

Step 1.Contact us 

The first step in the process is to contact Council to discuss a Planning Proposal. A qualified town planner should also be engaged at the beginning of the process to ensure that the statutory guidelines are adequately addressed and sufficient information is provided to support the proposal.

Step 2.Prepare your application 

Review the NSW Planning, Industry and Environment’s guide to preparing planning proposals.

Step 3.Lodge your application

When a Planning Proposal is submitted to Council, or via the Planning Portal, it is reviewed by staff and a report presented to Council to make a decision on whether to proceed. If Council resolves to support the Planning Proposal it is sent to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for assessment and determination. 

Stages of a Planning Proposal 
