Our roads network Council maintains a road network of approximately 2,460km, including 163km under contract to Transport for NSW.
Report a roads problem Make a request for road improvements or let Council know about a problem with your road.
Road closures In emergency events including floods and bushfire, Council may be required to close roads for public safety. View current closures here.
Road signage Council is responsible for the installation and maintenance of most road signs on our region's roads.
Road naming New roads require naming early in the development process to ensure that addressing can be allocated prior to the sale of any new land parcels.
Rural and urban addressing Correct addressing is essential in urban and rural areas, particularly for emergency services and Australia Post.
Footpaths and cycleways There are more than 52km of footpaths and 17km of shared pathways suitable for cyclists and pedestrians throughout the region.
Pothole and road defect claims Council’s Roads Team works hard to ensure our network is in the best possible condition, however traffic movements and environmental factors, particularly during periods of adverse weather, present major challenges on such an extensive network.