Due to the current prevalence of parvovirus, Mudgee Pound is unable to process any adoptions or animal surrenders until Thursday, 2 January.
Council has introduced a comprehensive Development Application Lodgement Guide, designed to enhance the efficiency of the application process.
Council Facilities will close for the Christmas break from 12 noon on Friday 20, December 2024 and re-open Thursday, 2 January 2025.
Special and major events that impact local traffic must be reviewed by the Local Traffic Committee and subsequently approved by Council. All applications for a special event must be submitted to Council at least three months prior to the event to allow for this process.
On receipt of the application, Council staff will prepare a report for consideration by the Local Traffic Committee, which meets monthly.
The recommendation from the committee is presented to Council at the next scheduled Council Meeting and event organisers are then notified of their event approval or refusal.
A special event submission should include:
Note: If the event will be conducted on public land, such parks, reserves or playgrounds, a Use of Public Land Application may also be required.
For further enquiries please contact Council's Traffic Engineers
6378 2850