Our roads network

Council maintains a road network of approximately 2,460km, including 205km under contract to Transport for NSW (the Castlereagh Highway, Sofala Road and Goolma Road). Council’s prime objective in managing the region’s road network is to provide infrastructure that allows safe, convenient and comfortable travel to, from, and within the region. This involves both maintaining existing roads and planning for future improvements.

Achieving this objective is constrained by the availability of funding from general rate revenue supplemented by Federal and State Government grants.
Each year Council issues an updated list of works planned for the next 12 months in its annual Road Strategic Plan. Council staff conduct regular inspections of Council roads to monitor road condition so that maintenance works can be efficiently programmed and completed.  On sealed roads, maintenance requirements include patching of potholes and other defects, street sweeping, re-marking of faded line marking and resurfacing of roads on a periodic basis. On unsealed (gravel) roads, maintenance services include gravel resheeting, grading, pothole patching and clearing of open drains.

The Mid-Western Region road network is categorised into three classes:

  • State Roads (fully funded and managed by NSW Government)
  • Regional Roads (fully funded by the NSW Government and Council, managed by Council)
  • Council Roads (generally funded by Council with some government grant assistance)

Council prepares an updated Roads Asset Management Plan each year to assist in the management of the road network and advise of the works proposed both on an annual basis together with extended programs. 

Roads Asset Management Plan 


When will my road be graded?

Council grades roads in accordance with the road network strategic plan based on their classification in the road hierarchy.

Note: Roads will be brought up to standard and may not receive a full rip and reshape grade across their entire length.

How are requests for road maintenance prioritised?

Roads are prioritised based on many factors including safety concerns, loose material, corrugations, density of potholes, roughness and the timing of future programmed works.

How can I get my road on Council's maintained roads list?

A request must be put in writing to the General Manager, Mid-Western Regional Council. However, roads will only be added to the maintained list after consideration by Council and taking into account the cost to bring the road up to a minimum standard and the impact on the total roads program.

Roads, or sections thereof that service less than five residences will not be considered for addition to the maintained road list, noting that historically, there are roads within the region that do not meet this requirement.

More information is available on Council's Unmaintained and Unformed Roads Policy.