Council has introduced a comprehensive Development Application Lodgement Guide, designed to enhance the efficiency of the application process.
There are a variety of ways to identify and understand priority weeds that may be on your property.
NSW WeedWise has an extensive list of weeds, including images for identification, and control measures.
Council has also developed a suite of fact sheets to help landholders identify priority weeds and make a self-assessment on their property.
If you have any questions contact Council’s Weeds Team on 6378 2850.
African Boxthorn(PDF, 954KB) Blue Heliotrope(PDF, 1MB) Coolatai Grass(PDF, 472KB) Green Cestrum(PDF, 630KB) Pasture Recovery(PDF, 2MB) Patersons Curse(PDF, 739KB) Serrated Tussock(PDF, 1MB) Silverleaf Nightshade(PDF, 619KB) Spiny Burr Grass(PDF, 423KB) St Johns Wort(PDF, 2MB) Sticky Nightshade(PDF, 523KB) Sweet Briar(PDF, 2MB) Weeds Management(PDF, 2MB)