Development Control Plan Review

Ongoing consultation


Council is in the early stages of developing a new Development Control Plan (DCP) for the Mid-Western Regional Local Government Area.

A Development Control Plan is a valuable planning tool that helps guide the assessment of Development Applications. It provides detailed planning and design guidelines for new developments, supporting the goals and objectives of the Mid-Western Regional Local Environmental Plan 2012.

As part of the early engagement process, we invite the community to participate and share insights through online surveys and by attending dedicated information and consultation sessions.

What is a Development Control Plan?

A DCP is a planning policy used by Councils in NSW to assist with the assessment of Development Applications lodged with Council. Whereas the Mid-Western Regional Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012 is a legally binding planning instrument published on the NSW Legislation website, the new Mid-Western Regional DCP will be a non-statutory planning instrument that provides guidance on the following:

  • Giving effect to the aims of the Mid-Western Regional LEP 2012.
  • Facilitating development that is permissible under the Mid-Western Regional LEP 2012.
  • Achieving the objectives of land zones under the Mid-Western Regional LEP 2012.


Why do we need a new DCP?

Councils current DCP was drafted and adopted over 10 years ago, and since that time the environment in which the DCP2013 operates is significantly different to that which exists now. Many of the provisions are outdated, limited in scope, and do not accommodate for the types of development and growth now, or likely to be experienced, in the not-too-distant future. To keep abreast of these changes and to keep the document relevant, Council has decided to undertake a comprehensive review of the DCP.

The review is also being undertaken to help deliver the community’s vision for the future – where we are, where we want to be and how we will get there, including the creation of vibrant towns and villages, as identified in the Mid-Western Region Towards 2040 Community Plan.

What types of development does the DCP cover?

Depending on the circumstances, a DCP can apply to all developments in general, to specific types of development or to individual sites or precincts. Among other things, a DCP can provide controls for:

  • Building design and amenity
  • Land subdivision
  • Landscaping and tree preservation
  • Heritage conservation
  • Car parking
  • Planning for floods and natural hazards

When will the new DCP be ready?

Preparation of the new DCP is in the very early stages, with Council actively seeking from the community and interested groups any issues or problems with the current DCP, and anything new that the community wants to see in the new DCP. Indicatively Council plans to exhibit a draft DCP mid-2025, with adoption planned for late 2025. 

How can I have a say?

As part of the early engagement process, Council invited internal and external stakeholders to provide their feedback via an online survey and in-person information and feedback sessions in Mudgee, Kandos, Rylstone and Gulgong. Council, will ensure that all feedback received is taken into consideration during the preparation of the draft Mid-Western Regional Development Control Plan.

There will be further opportunities for your feedback and input once the new Mid-Western Regional Council Development Control Plan has been prepared and is placed on public exhibition in mid 2025.

Any submissions received are considered public, however, a person may request to have their personal details suppressed. If you make a submission and have made political donations or gifts, a Political Donations and Gifts Disclosure Statement must be completed.